Strategic sourcing is a holistic approach to developing channels of supply that considers all activities within the procurement cycle to secure the best possible total cost, rather than just the lowest purchase price for those goods. There is a need for a systematic and fact‐based approach for optimizing an organization’s supply base and improving the overall value proposition. Procurement practitioners source for goods and services in a strategic manner to ensure optimum goods procurement at the right total cost of owner ship.
Strategic sourcing allows businesses to consolidate their purchasing power to achieve the lowest possible total cost of ownership and minimise risk to the supply chain. The approach is a long-term process that is dependent on a continuous re-evaluation of the business’ sourcing activities, analysis of the market and aligning business goals and requirements with those of the suppliers.

Professor Boateng is an International Chartered director and Adjunct academic. He is Africa’s first ever extraordinary Professor for Supply and Value Chain Management and Independent Distinguished Chair for Operations and Supply Chain management. He has over 25 years extensive local and international Leadership, CEO, Director Level and Senior Management Experience in Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals IT and ecommerce, Healthcare, Biotechnology, Exploration etc. He holds Doctor of Engineering and is an elected Fellow of at least six leading International Professional organisations. CEO of the PanAvest and Partners and the Founding Chairman of West African Institute for Supply Chain Leadership, a public private education partnership between the PanAvest Foundation and KNUST in Ghana, immediate past Chairman of Public Procurement Authority (PPA) Board and current Board Chairman of the Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF).
Business Leaders and Policy Makers, C-suite members, CEOs, Senior Executives in Business, Government, Sub vented agency executives, Local Authorities heads, Engineers, lawyers, Surveyors, Procurement and Supply Chain Staff, Project Managers, Operations Managers, Auditors, Finance Managers, Warehouse and Store Staff, Logistics and Distribution Manager
24th – 25th March 2022
Strategic Sourcing
Fiesta Royale Hotel, Accra
Facilitation fees, free copy of Strategic Sourcing Book, coffee break and lunch, certificate and learning materials.
- Definition of Strategic Sourcing
- Importance of Strategic Sourcing
- Strategic Sourcing process
- Risk mitigation through strategic sourcing
- The essence of total cost of ownership
- Make or Buy decision
- Supplier Relationship Management
- Supplier Segmentation
Interested persons can register by sending an email to or call 0203139001.
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